Sunday, June 28, 2015


They called him PK. 
Just only because he is asking weird question. Looking for his chain. The remote control.

as an alien who coming into the earth. he knows nothing. he do not know our language. then when he used his power to speak like the earth people. he began to find his chain, a remote for calling back the spaceship 

The he go to the police. saying that his remote being stolen. then the Police say. only God can help you.

He wandering. asking for his chain . then he only got this kind of answer. 
"Go ask God"
"only God know"

then he ask. "Where is it the god"

sure the alien do not know anything about god. 

Then they show him the temple. 
then he know, he need to give coconut milk for God before he granted his will. 

But then he still do not get what he want.

PK found church. He bring the coconut milk and do the ritual for Hindu inside the Church. then they chased him away. Then he see the father give the god in the church a glass of wine. 

"Oh. The god are not interested in coconut milk anymore. He want wine"

PK started to collect money from dancing car (people who do sex in the car) then he buy two bottle of wine.

"Where the god house?"

in a Muslim community he go with two bottle of wine. again. he being chased by the people.

then he know. in this planet there is a lot of religion with different manager. 

so which religion to? he go to the hospital looking for the mark on the baby. the religion mark. then he not found any.

he decide. he worship all god. he go to the temple. he go pray in the church. join the pray with the Muslim. go with the monk. rolling on the street fot the fiest. 

the he realize. the god is not there. any part of the place he go. then he think. GOD IS MISSING. he handout the flyer looking for the god. 

he need god. for having back his remote. he not found any.....

and he stop worship all of the religion. and starting to look for the god. 

PK is a good story for criticize the society. the way of PK think. its not like there is no god. just only why people have different god. 

he believe. there is two type of god. 
1. the one who created all of us
2. the one who we are created. 

and he have debate with Tapaswi who is thing he mighty and can communicate with god. PK believe, the god Tapaswi called and communicate is the fake God. The god that created by tapaswi. 

and it is religion. Religion are being crated by human and they create they own form of god to believe. 

God are almighty. God do not need our protection. God only on His own. 

(this is based on PK story. it nothing to do with my own opinion and this writing are not to saying or condemn any kind of religion)


Bintang itu jauh nun di langit. 
Terlalu jauh dan bersinar.
Namun. tahukah kita bintang itu hanya batu-batu angkasa yang bersinar. 
tidaklah secantik yang kita sangka

seringkali kita ingin mengejar bintang. mengharap kerlipan dan kecantikanya
sehingga kita lupa pada batuan sungai yang lebih indah dari bintang-bintang itu.

kerana kita tertarik dengan cahayanya
kerana kita hanya melihat dari jauh
kerana kita terasa akan kusamnya batuan di dunia
kita terus memilih bintang
mengejarnya sehingga kita sendiri tidak tahu sampai bila

dan ketika ini
kita lupa
kita ada yang lebih indah di bumi

sampai bla mahu dikejar bintang
sampai bila.

Friday, June 26, 2015



it is a techniques where you are adjusting the aperture of Digital SLR to make the background blurred. 
The higher the aperture (small number) the more blur effect on the background image. 


Adik berlari. Mencari kemana ayah pergi. baru sekejap dia berkalih pandang. kini ayah sudah hilang. tidak nampak di mana-mana
nafas adik sesak. tapi adik masih tak nampak kelibat ayah.

"Ayah.." adik panggil makin lemah. adik tahu adik tak mampu tahan lagi.

Ayah sudah semakin runsing. Ayah tak nampak adik. Adik sudah hilang. Ayah makin risau. Adik tak sihat. 

Seketika ayah dengar bunyi orang kecoh. mengerumuni sesuatu

"Telefon ambulan. ada budak pengsan"

Ayah rasa mahu putus nyawa. ayah tahu itu adik. Adik memang selalu pengsan. adik ada masalah. jantung adik.


"Alhamdulilah semuanya sudah selesai puan. Puan jangan khuatir. Anak puan selamat"

ibu tarik nafas lega. Ibu dapat panggilan ayah. telefon ibu kata adik pengsan. tengah bazar. tapi dari tadi ibu tak nampak ayah. 

Ibu tunggu doktor panggil masuk. tapi ibu tiba rasa resah. entah kenapa. sepertinya khabar gembira adik akan bersilih dengan sesuatu.

ibu cari ayah. tak ada. ibu rasa tak sedap hati. tapi ibu tak boleh tinggalkan adik.


"Ayah hidup dalam diri adik" 
adik pegang dada. jantung yang berdegup kini bukan jantung adik. jantung ini milik ayah. 



Tertarik untuk memulakan post kedua untuk tahun ini berbicara soal melayu. mungkin kerana ada ulah perbincangan tentang melayu baru-baru ini. 

banyak lagi yang melayu perlu perbaiki. 
terlalu banyak
mungkin dalam langkah perjuangan melayu itu sendiri.

entah. untuk berbicara lebih 
takut terlebih kuah
selagi melayu tidak benar ikhlas berjuang
sepertimana perjuangan melayu dahulu kala
selagi itu melayu akan terus layu tidak mampu melaju

dalam mencari sesuatu kelebihan dan kebaikan dalam diri melayu
tidak adalah yang lebih penting selain keinginan dan tekad

melayu perlu berhenti membenci melayu
melayu perlu berhenti bertelagah sesama melayu
melayu perlu berhenti mencaci sesama melayu

resmi hidup
ada juga beza pandang dan kata
idea dan intelektual
tapi sampai bila perbezaan terus diraikan
mengetepikan segala persamaan

melayu perlu bangun
menjadi lebih laju
jangan terus melayu
pada bumi melayu 


Sudah berhabuk. 
mungkin berkulat
tapi sudah lama meninggalkan laman ini
sepi tanpa lakaran kata.

ini yang pertama untuk 2015
kembali menjengah laman lama
dan kembali ingin menulis
seperti dulu
mungkin takkan sama seperti dulu

Jejak Baru. Cikgu Comey.